It was you who created all the earth
It was you who created the universe
It was you who placed the stars in the sky
It is you who’s name we lift on high
It’s all about you our God our rock on which we stand
Our healer our deliverer our freind
You are Alpha and omega the begining and the end
And nothing can separate us from your love
It was you that formed me from the dust
It was you who breathed and gave life to us
It was you who paid the price at calvary
It was you who rose again and set me free
No nothing can separate us from your love
Your my strength your my shield my hope my prince of peace
And nothing can separate us from your love
No nothing can separate us from your love
If our God is for us then who can stand against us,
nothing can seperate us from your love
No angel or no demon no power in all creation